Humming Sang, a versatile artist from UCSD, delights in exploring a myriad of styles, pushing the boundaries of creativity. Dive into Sang's dynamic portfolio to witness a captivating fusion of diverse artistic expressions, each unveiling a new facet of their boundless imagination.


  • 2016      BA Visual Art(studio), University of California, San Diego
  • 2014      AA Arts Studies, San Diego Mesa College

Selected Exhibitions

  • 2016
  • Into the Wild, Experimental Drawing Studio, curated by Amy Adler, UCSD, San Diego, CA
  • Honors Open Studio, UCSD, San Diego, CA (catalogue)
  • Meeting at Square One, University Art Gallery, San Diego, CA (catalogue)
  • Hireath, Adam D. Kamil Gallery, San Diego, CA

  • 2013
  • Student Exhibition, San Diego Mesa College Art Gallery, CA (catalogue)
  • The Art of Imagination, San Diego Mesa College Art Gallery, CA (catalogue)

  • 2012
  • Express Yourself, San Diego Mesa College Art Gallery, CA (catalogue)

  • 2011
  • Experiment, San Diego Mesa College Art Gallery, CA (catalogue)
  • Raw and Exposed, San Diego Mesa College Art Gallery, CA (catalogue)


  • 2015      UCSD Studio Honors Program


  • 2019      Beasley, Douglas, “Silence”, SHOTS, Issue 142, p 1. Print.

Related Experience

  • Scenes from an Execution, Scenic Designer
  • September 2016 - December 2016, San Diego, CA

  • Sin Eater + Other People, Scenic Designer Assistant
  • April 2016 - June 2016, San Diego, CA

Discover the vibrant world of Humming Sang, a New York-based artist pushing the boundaries of creativity and expression. Immerse yourself in Sang's captivating artworks, where passion meets innovation, and explore a realm where every stroke tells a story.